About Civil Department
Babaria Institute of Technology was established in the year 2004 and Department of Civil Engineering is a part of the Institute. The Branch of Civil Engineering was introduced in the Year 2011 with an intake of 60 seats and at present it is having a total intake of 180 seats. Department of Civil Engineering is one of the primary engineering departments of the Institute. The department has grown tremendously over last four years and now recognized as one of the major engineering department of the institute.
The department of civil engineering BITS is well established with high quality laboratories with rich blend of traditional and modern equipments. Our well qualified faculty members from various specialized fields of civil engineering are dedicated to perform their duties and cultivating strong links with the industry, academic institution research institutions and consulting firms. Apart from academics, Civil Engineering department is strongly working on inculcating discipline, moral values and youth building. We have received good appreciation for conducting personal counselling sessions for every student twice a semester by faculty members. To offer world-class undergraduate education and project guidance, the faculty members of Civil Engineering department continue to maintain and cultivate its strong links with the outside. Civil Engineering department, BITS feel proud to contribute to the training process of future Engineers.
Why Civil Engineering @Babaria Institute of Technology ?
- First self-finance Engineering College in Vadodara Region which is “Internationally accredited with A+++ rating by IAO,USA”
- Received “The Best Engineering College of Gujarat Award” – 2012, “National Education Excellence Award” – 2015 and “Campus Preparedness Award” – 2015
- The department has grown tremendously over last four years and now recognized as one of the major engineering department of the institute.
- Department started developing strong links with industries and academic institutions like NITs and IITs.
- Apart from high quality teaching at UG level, department is actively involved in basic research in various fields of engineering through various students based projects and working models on various advanced techniques.
- The Department actively promotes faculty development activity and the course work is in line with the syllabus of Gujarat Technological University.
- Highly qualified, dynamic and experienced Faculties
Phd Qualified : 02
Phd Pursuing : 04
ME/MTech Qualified : 35
Vision of Department: To be recognized nationally among highly ranked civil engineering programs through our pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and service activities.
The mission of civil engineering department is to
- Excel in classroom instruction and laboratory performances to mentor students for a professional career in civil engineering.
- Promote innovative and original thinking in the minds of budding engineers to face the challenges of future.
- Enrich the academic activities with a blend of professional and competitive exposure.
- Facilitate and promote research and development in the area of environmental conservation and sustainable development.
In order to cope with the global requirements the institute provides the latest facilities to the students such as MM Class Rooms (Higher Semester), Networking of Class Rooms with electronic database and MM Theatres for conferencing. The building has well equipped laboratories to conduct experimental works. All the lecture halls are well ventilated and to be provided with latest teaching aids like multimedia-overhead projectors along with the black boards. Following are the well established laboratories in civil Engineering department.
1. Fundamentals of Civil Engineering
The laboratory is designed to give exposure in practical works carried out in five different areas of civil engineering viz. Surveying and Leveling, Building Materials and Construction, Building Planning & Design, Transportation Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. Students are given a field practice to execute various survey work for primary residential buildings etc. The laboratory is equipped with following major equipments.
- Various types of Measuring chains and tapes
- Line ranger and cross staff
- Compass
- Dumpy Level
- Theodolite
- Amslar polar Plani-meter
- Models of Building, Society layout, dams, canals, Highway cross section, Bricks, foundations etc.

2. Mechanics of Solids
The laboratory is equipped to perform experiments for various types of forces and force systems, verifying fundamental laws of Mechanics and testing of engineering materials e.g. mild steel, cast iron, brass, timber etc . The laboratory is equipped with following major equipments.
- Universal force table
- Various lifting machines
- Jib crane
- Roof truss
- Screw jack
- Friction slide apparatus.
- Compression Testing Machine
- Hardness Testing Machine
- Pendulum (Izod)Testing Machine,
- Universal Testing Machine
- Fatigue Testing Machine
- Torsion Testing Machine
- Mechanical Extensometer With Dial Gauge.

3. Surveying
An advanced surveying laboratory is planned apart of the fundamental survey laboratory to carry our survey projects and also to take up the field survey consultancy works. It is equipped with following latest equipments.
- Electronic Digital Planimeter
- Transit Vernier Theodolite 20″ accuracy with stand
- Leveling staffs and Ranging rods
- Fiber glass tape
- Theodolite with compensator and stand
- Electronic distance measurement device
- Total Station (Ele.) Pentax – 874922
- Plane Table With all Accessories.

4. Concrete Technology
Concrete technology laboratory is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative tests for raw materials, fresh and hardened concrete. The laboratory is designed with a vision of testing requirements of industry and different research areas of concrete design. Major instruments existing in the laboratory are as follows.
- Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus
- Compaction Factor Apparatus
- Density Baskers Vee-Bee Consistometer
- High Pressure Autoclave for Soundness test
- Cast Iron Moulds for Cube
- Cylindrical and beam moulding
- Vibrating Machine and Vibrating table
- Concrete Mixer
- U – Box, L – Box and V – Box Apparatus
- Flow Table for SCC.
- Electronic balances (capacity 10 kg and 100 kg)
- Motorized Sieve Shaker
- Heat of Hydration
- Flexure Testing Machine
- Compression testing Machine
5. Building Planning and Construction
Models of building components and typical civil engineering structures are available in this laboratory for thorough understanding of the subject. More than 35 wooden and steel models and charts are obtained for the laboratory, some of them are listed below.
- Models of ledged and braced doors, half panelled and half glazed doors, flush door
- Models of different types of roofs,
- Models of different type of floorings,
- Models of different types of scaffolding
- Models of different types of staircases
- Models of road culvert with single arch and box types, railway culvert, clover leaf junction, cross section of national highway, subsurface drainage, foundation, pneumatic caisson etc.

6. Highway Engineering
Highway Engineering laboratory is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative tests for raw materials like Aggregate, Sand, Bitumen etc. The laboratory is designed with a vision of testing requirements of industry and different research areas of highway engineering. Major instruments existing in the laboratory are as under.
- Thickness gauge
- Length gauge
- Ductility test apparatus
- Crushing value apparatus
- Sieve Sets
- Standard tar viscometer
- Oven
- Ring and ball apparatus
- Pycnometer
- Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine
- Aggregate impact test apparatus
- Modified Marshall apparatus
- Bitumen flash and fire point test apparatus and Asphalt mixer.

7. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Engineering models of different typical hydraulic structures are provided in this laboratory for thorough understanding of the subject. More than 25 wooden models are displayed in this laboratory.
- Canal Regulator (Models)
- Canal Drop
- Saddle syphon spillway
- Aqueduct
- Syphon Aqueduct
- Level crossing
- Supper passage
- Supressed weir
- Fish ladder
- Canal Intake
- Hydraulic jump
- Spilway gate
- Tank weir
- Tank sluice with lower head
- Different types of dams
- Sluice gate
- Gibbs model, Slit ejector, River head works

8. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
The laboratory is equipped to perform experiments as well as to carry our field testing works in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. The key instruments available with the laboratory are Swell Pressure test apparatus.
- Laboratory CBR apparatus
- Unconfined compressive strength apparatus
- Consolidation apparatus (3 Gang)
- Universal Triaxial test set up with Electronic Measuring Outfit
- Standard penetration test set
- Sand density cone, Relative Density Apparatus
- Hydrualic and Manual Sample extruder
- Constant temperature bath
- Motorized Sieve shaker
- Direct Shear apparatus motorized
- 2 kN capacity.

9. Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering laboratory is equipped with all the latest instruments of reputed brands to perform various experiments and tests on water, wastewater and air samples. The laboratory is ready to accept consultancy assignments and environmental audit challenges. Major instruments existing in the laboratory are as follows.
- Turbidity Meter
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer
- COD Digester
- Water bath
- High speed mixer
- pH meter
- Electronic Autoclave
- Jar test apparatus
- Digital muffle furnace
- Hot air oven
- BOD incubator
- Electronic weighing balance (0.01 mg accuracy)
- High Volume Sampler
- Multi Parameter Meter for pH
- Conductivity and DO.

10. Engineering Geology
Different Rocks and 76 minerals are procured for this laboratory. Major specimens existing in the Laboratory are as under.
- Minerals showing Natural Crystals
- Lustre
- Colour
- Cleavage (set of 15 each)
- Rocks and Minerals from Building Industry (set of 15)
- Minerals showing Fracture collection (Set of 07)
- Minerals showing crystal aggregates
- streaks
- feel
- specific gravity (Set of 12)
- Igneous
- Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks (set of 15 each)
- Specimen of ores (set of 10 – 2 Nos.)
- Mineral Specimens (set of 09 – 7 Nos.)

11. Earthquake Laboratory
Earthquake engineering laboratory is equipped with a universal test frame which is having experiment set up for the following equipments.
- Simple pendulum
- Compound pendulum
- Biflair & Triflair suspension,
- Single rotor transitional vibrations,
- Two rotor transitional vibrations,
- Damped torsional vibrations,
- Natural vibration spring mass system
- Forced damped vibrations

12. Fluid Mechanics laboratory
Fluid mechanics laboratory is well established to perform laboratory experiments of basic and advanced fluid mechanics. Set ups for following experiments are available in the laboratory.
- Open Channel Flow Setup
- Tilting Flume, Supersonic Wind Tunnel
- Pelton Wheel Test Rig
- Combine Rig for Free Forced Vortex
- Orifice Mouthpiece
- Reynold’s Apparatus
- Combine Rig for Pipe Friction
- Fitting
- Venturimeter
- Orificemeter
- Rotameter Apparatus
- Pressure Measurement Devices
- Combine Rig for Bernoulli’s Theorem
- Metacentric Height Apparatus
- Notch Apparatus & Pitot Static Tube Apparatus
- Electrical Analogy Setup